
The aim of the generate-witness command is to generate a secret-shared witness file in MPC using secret shares of the input.


co-circom generate-witness --input test_vectors/poseidon/input.json.0.shared --circuit test_vectors/poseidon/circuit.circom --link-library test_vectors/poseidon/lib --protocol REP3 --curve BN254 --config configs/party1.toml --out test_vectors/poseidon/witness.wtns.0.shared

The above command takes a shared input file input.json.0.shared for the circuit circuit.circom with required circom library files in test_vectors/poseidon/lib with the network config and outputs the witness share to test_vectors/poseidon/witness.wtns.0.shared.


$ co-circom generate-witness --help
Evaluates the extended witness generation for the specified circuit and input share in MPC

Usage: co-circom generate-witness [OPTIONS] --input <INPUT> --circuit <CIRCUIT> --protocol <PROTOCOL> --curve <CURVE> --config <CONFIG> --out <OUT>

      --input <INPUT>                The path to the input share file
      --circuit <CIRCUIT>            The path to the circuit file
      --link-library <LINK_LIBRARY>  The path to Circom library files
      --protocol <PROTOCOL>          The MPC protocol to be used [possible values: REP3, SHAMIR]
      --curve <CURVE>                The pairing friendly curve to be used [possible values: BN254, BLS12-381]
      --config <CONFIG>              The path to MPC network configuration file
      --out <OUT>                    The output file where the final witness share is written to
  -h, --help                         Print help