After the SplitInput command, the computing parties engage in executing the circuit (in our case Poseidon) on the shared input in MPC. Each party thus executes the following command:
co-noir generate-witness --input test_vectors/poseidon/Prover.toml.shared --circuit test_vectors/poseidon/poseidon.json --protocol REP3 --config configs/party.toml --out test_vectors/poseidon/poseidon.gz.shared
Again, poseidon.json
is the circuit file from Noir, while Prover.toml.shared
is one output of SplitWitness and party.toml
is a network configuration. As MPC protocol we currently only support REP3 for the Witness extension.
Evaluates the extended witness generation for the specified circuit and input share in MPC
Usage: co-noir generate-witness [OPTIONS]
--config <CONFIG> The path to the config file
--input <INPUT> The path to the input share file
--circuit <CIRCUIT> The path to the circuit file
--protocol <PROTOCOL> The MPC protocol to be used [possible values: REP3, SHAMIR]
--out <OUT> The output file where the final witness share is written to
-h, --help Print help (see more with '--help')