To create a proof in MPC, one needs the extended witness (from GenerateWitness, SplitWitness, or TranslateWitness):
co-noir build-and-generate-proof --witness test_vectors/poseidon/poseidon.gz.shared --circuit test_vectors/poseidon/poseidon.json --crs test_vectors/bn254_g1.dat --protocol REP3 --hasher POSEIDON --config configs/party.toml --out proof.proof --public-input public_input.json
Here, poseidon.gz.shared
is the share of the witness, poseidon.json
is the circuit file from Noir, bn254_g1.dat
is the file storing the prover CRS and party.toml
is the network configuration. As output, one creates the UltraHonk proof proof.proof
and the output of the circuit public_input.json
. The parameter --hasher POSEIDON
defines that Poseidon2 is used as the transcript hasher, the other implemented option would be Keccak256.
The corresponding Barretenberg command (from barretenberg/cpp/build/bin
) is:
bb prove_ultra_honk -b poseidon.json -w poseidon.gz -o proof.proof
where poseidon.gz is the witness file created by Noir (which is equivalent to a non-secret-shared variant of poseidon.gz.shared
). The generated proof key is the same, regardless of using Co-Noir or Barretenberg.
Note: Barretenberg does not require the file for storing the CRS, since Barretenberg automatically downloads it if it is not present.
Cli arguments for `generate_proof`
Usage: co-noir generate-proof [OPTIONS]
--config <CONFIG> The path to the config file
--proving-key <PROVING_KEY> The path to the shared proving_key file
--protocol <PROTOCOL> The MPC protocol to be used [possible values: REP3, SHAMIR]
--hasher <HASHER> The transcript hasher to be used [possible values: POSEIDON, KECCAK]
--out <OUT> The output file where the final proof is written to. If not passed, this party will not write the proof to a file
--public-input <PUBLIC_INPUT> The output JSON file where the public inputs are written to. If not passed, this party will not write the public inputs to a file
-t, --threshold <THRESHOLD> The threshold of tolerated colluding parties [default: 1]
--recursive Generate a recursive friendly proof
--crs <CRS> The path to the prover crs file
-h, --help Print help (see more with '--help')